Environmental Responsibility
Supply Chain (Environment)

Our Approach

FY2024 Highlights
49 biosecurity audits
in 20 farms
5.2% increase in biosecurity audit
average score from previous year
*Poultry farms within Sustainability Statement reporting scope.
Guiding Principles for Environmental Responsible Supply Chain
QL has crafted a Supply Chain Policy to establish a set of guidelines governing procurement activities of QL and our suppliers who conduct business with us and on behalf of QL for implementation of a sound supplier management process. Aimed at promoting environmental stewardship, social equity and regulatory compliance, the policy outlines QL’s commitments in working with our suppliers on environmental and social sustainability aspects.
While QL strives to reduce our ecological footprint of operations, our suppliers are similarly expected to conduct their operations in an environmentally responsible manner. They are encouraged to sustainably manage the use of energy, water and other resources; proactively reduce environmental issues such as pollution, waste, climate change and biodiversity impacts.
Bolstering Biosecurity Measures
Biosecurity remains paramount at QL farms to safeguard the health and well-being of poultry and mitigate the spread of diseases. Our biosecurity initiatives undertaken in FY2024 focused on quality assurance, training, and groundwork for laboratory accreditation.
Building upon the successful implementation of the quality assurance programme at layer farms in previous fiscal year, we expanded the programme to include breeder and broiler farms in FY2024. In terms of training and development, QL Poultry Academy was inaugurated at two farms to enhance employees’ comprehension and adherence to biosecurity protocols. Additionally, as part of our commitment to ensuring the quality and reliability of our laboratories, we commenced preparatory work for laboratory accreditation.
of poultry farms certified to MyGAP
biosecurity assurance with internal laboratory test
internal audit across all poultry farms
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