Environmental Responsibility

Pollution and Resources

Our Approach

QL embraces the principles of a circular economy in our operations. We aim to strike a balance between conserving and consuming resources, while also advocating for resource efficiency and reduction in wastes generation.

In our endeavours to improve resource efficiency, we harness renewable energy sources and employ technologies to optimise material utilisation and reduce energy inputs.

QL adopts waste hierarchy approach by prioritising reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery of wastes. We convert wastes into valuable resources. Any remaining waste is disposed of through licensed waste contractors. On the other hand, conversion of wastes decreases the consumption of raw materials, thereby not only reducing environmental impacts but also minimising the need to extract and process additional new resources.

In compliance with legal requirements, we diligently manage wastes or pollutants and ensure that our employees receive adequate training to handle industrial effluent and hazardous wastes at our operational sites.

In support of circular economy, QL extends sustainable environmental measures by providing renewable energy and water treatment solutions to the industries.

FY2024 Highlights

  • 202,482.89 MT

    of waste was recycled/ recovered

  • 95.3% diversion

    of waste from landfills and incineration

  • 1,138,530.38 m3

    of water was discharged into surface water sources

Our Performance
FY2022 * FY2023 FY2024
Total water discharged by destination (m3)
Water Discharge to Surface Water Per Thousand Cubic Meter, ‘000 m3 857.66 990.22 ** 1,138.53
Water Discharge Intensity m3/ RM Mil Revenue 239.06 231.56 ** 255.38
Our wastewater is treated before discharge to ensure compliance with Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009, Standards A and B. To ensure that the quality of our effluent consistently meets Standards A and B, we conduct regular monitoring and upgrade our facilities when necessary.
FY2022 * FY2023 FY2024
Waste Generated (000 MT)
Total Waste Generated Per Thousand Metric Tonnes, 000 MT 212.84 203.70 ** 212.40
Total Non-Hazardous Waste Generated 000 MT 212.81 203.68 212.37
Total Hazardous Waste Generated 000 MT 0.03 0.02 0.03
Waste Disposal (000 MT)
Total Waste Diverted from Disposal (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery & Composting) 000 MT 204.79 194.24 202.48
Total Waste Directed to Disposal (Landfill & Incineration) 000 MT 8.05 9.47 9.92
Percentage of Waste Diverted from Disposal (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery & Composting) % 96.2 95.3 95.3
In FY2024, there were no reported cases of non-compliance with environmental laws, regulations and standards for air emissions, quality of effluent discharge and management of hazardous waste.
View Our Pollution and Resources Section in the Integrated Annual Report

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