Environmental Responsibility

Pollution and Resources

Our Approach

QL embraces the principles of a circular economy in our operations. We aim to strike a balance between conserving and consuming resources, while also advocating for resource efficiency and reduction in wastes generation.

In our endeavours to improve resource efficiency, we harness renewable energy sources and employ technologies to optimise material utilisation and reduce energy inputs.

QL adopts waste hierarchy approach by prioritising reduction, reuse, recycling, and recovery of wastes. We convert wastes into valuable resources. Any remaining waste is disposed of through licensed waste contractors. On the other hand, conversion of wastes decreases the consumption of raw materials, thereby not only reducing environmental impacts but also minimising the need to extract and process additional new resources.

In compliance with legal requirements, we diligently manage wastes or pollutants and ensure that our employees receive adequate training to handle industrial effluent and hazardous wastes at our operational sites.

In support of circular economy, QL extends sustainable environmental measures by providing renewable energy and water treatment solutions to the industries.

FY2024 Highlights

  • 202,482.89 MT

    of waste was recycled/ recovered

  • 95.3% diversion

    of waste from landfills and incineration

  • 1,138,530.38 m3

    of water was discharged into surface water sources

Our Performance
FY2022 * FY2023 FY2024
Total water discharged by destination (m3)
Water Discharge to Surface Water Per Thousand Cubic Meter, ‘000 m3 857.66 990.22 ** 1,138.53
Water Discharge Intensity m3/ RM Mil Revenue 239.06 231.56 ** 255.38
Our wastewater is treated before discharge to ensure compliance with Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009, Standards A and B. To ensure that the quality of our effluent consistently meets Standards A and B, we conduct regular monitoring and upgrade our facilities when necessary.
FY2022 * FY2023 FY2024
Waste Generated (000 MT)
Total Waste Generated Per Thousand Metric Tonnes, 000 MT 212.84 203.70 ** 212.40
Total Non-Hazardous Waste Generated 000 MT 212.81 203.68 212.37
Total Hazardous Waste Generated 000 MT 0.03 0.02 0.03
Waste Disposal (000 MT)
Total Waste Diverted from Disposal (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery & Composting) 000 MT 204.79 194.24 202.48
Total Waste Directed to Disposal (Landfill & Incineration) 000 MT 8.05 9.47 9.92
Percentage of Waste Diverted from Disposal (Reuse, Recycle, Recovery & Composting) % 96.2 95.3 95.3
In FY2024, there were no reported cases of non-compliance with environmental laws, regulations and standards for air emissions, quality of effluent discharge and management of hazardous waste.
View Our Pollution and Resources Section in the Integrated Annual Report

Explore More Environmental Impact Stories

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy QL is actively adopting renewable energy technologies to reduce the consumption of fossil fuel-based energy. As we are

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Environmental Responsibility

Water Security

Our Approach

Water scarcity poses a threat to communities and economies worldwide. We acknowledge the critical role of water in our operations and is committed to conserving water resources and enhancing efficiency across all our operation sites. To tackle the challenge of water scarcity, we efficiently manage our water withdrawal and consumption by adhering to industry best practices.

FY2024 Highlights

  • 0.7% reduction YoY

    of water withdrawal Intensity

  • 5,073 m3

    of rainwater harvested

Responsible Water Resource Management

We utilise the World Resources Institute Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas tool to evaluate potential water risks in the regions where our operations are situated. None of our operations in Malaysia are in water-stressed regions and we refrain from withdrawing water from any water-stressed regions for use in our Malaysia operations. Nonetheless, we are steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding water resources and optimising our water consumption across all our operations.
As part of our continuous efforts to improve water efficiency and reduce wastage, we install water flowmeters at QL sites to track our water consumption and detect any leakage in our water distribution networks. This approach ensures more efficient water management and helps us quickly address potential losses.

Our Performance

FY2022 * FY2023 ** FY2024
Total water withdrawal by source (m3)
Total Water Withdraw Per Thousand Cubic Meter, 000 m3 2,924.59 2,980.76 3,085.93
Source from Municipal Water 000 m3 1,932.30 2,056.44 2,169.35
Source from Groundwater 000 m3 539.60 548.99 549.87
Source from River Water 000 m3 416.23 342.25 327.90
Source from Rainwater 000 m3 36.46 33.08 38.81
Water Withdrawal Intensity m3/ RM Mil Revenue 815.21 697.05 692.18
Alternative water withdrawal solutions
Source from Rainwater 000 m3 4.03 6.75 5.07
Number of Sites Operated in Water-Stressed Areas Number 0 0 0
* Restated FY2022 data according to the same baseline criteria
** Restated with revised calculation or recategorisation


m3 of rainwater treated
Note: Last 3 years performance
  • Sustainable Environmental Solutions Enabler

    In line with QL’s business and sustainability objectives, QL has broadened our business scope by investing in BM Greentech Berhad, a company specialising in solar and biomass renewable energy engineering, as well as water treatment systems and emission control. This strategic expansion allows us to provide a wider array of clean energy solutions to both our Group and customers. In the reporting year, we facilitated the installation of 21 new water treatment systems at customers’ facilities with an approximate treatment capacity of 1.6 million m3 raw water.

View Our Water Security Section in the Integrated Annual Report

Explore More Environmental Impact Stories

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy QL is actively adopting renewable energy technologies to reduce the consumption of fossil fuel-based energy. As we are

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Environmental Responsibility

QL Group has incorporated environmental issues into its operations in order to reduce waste and emissions, maximize the efficiency and productivity of its resources and minimize practices that badly affect the country’s natural resources. 

Improving energy use efficiency and reducing carbon footprint to contribute towards the global climate agenda. 

Managing water use responsibly for our business and the communities. 

Improving waste recycling efforts to maximise use of resources. 

Conserving the environment for our future generations. 

Sustainability Reporting

Annually, QL will publish our Sustainability Statement which details progress of our material matters during the financial year. You may find information regarding our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance, policies and initiatives within the report.

Reporting Framework and Alignment to Global Goals

Our Sustainability Statements are prepared in accordance with the Sustainability Reporting Guides and Amendments issued by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad under Main Market Listing Requirements.

In 2021, we enhanced our reporting approach by preparing the statement with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (“GRI Standards”) and adopting the content elements of the International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework, in line with Bursa Malaysia’s recommendation while supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).


Framework and Governance

Sustainability has always been an integral part of QL’s business operations. In our efforts to create shared value for all, we are cognizant of our role, responsibility and duty to conduct business ethically and uphold good corporate governance, operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and adhere to sustainable practices.

Governance Structure
Materiality Matrix